
Partna is a collaboration Partna is a collaboration

Partna is a collaboration Partna is a collaboration


Partna is a collaboration between community organizations, development companies, financial agencies, government, and academic partners, to establish a new housing model that will enable single and semi-detached homeowners to build affordable housing on their property.

In 2020, Jason partnered withCheryll Case, an affordable housing policy innovator and activist, to found Partna, as a vehicle to support property owners leverage their assets to build wealth, while building more inclusive neighbourhoods across the City of Toronto.

Powered by community relationships, Partna aims to empower homeowners to identify and mobilize their home’s potential to build a stronger and circular economy for themselves, their families and the city.

With Partna, homeowners have the ability to develop a new income-generating asset that increases the value of their property. Partna, in turn, is able to deliver on its mission of creating and providing more affordable housing.Moderately-lower income households have access to new affordable housing in the city, and the potential capacity to build their own wealth. And governments are able to support healthy inclusive communities that benefit from economic development and cultural vibrancy.

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